June 22nd 1916

Almora  U. P.

My dear Aunts,

The cheese arrived in absolutely perfect condition, not a spot on it. So very, very, many thanks to you for such a lovely present, & the other occupants of my Bungalow also ask me to thank you.

We are in the middle to the large, or “Bara” Monsoon & it pours with rain day & night but we have plenty of firewood (pine trees) which burns very readily & keeps the place tolerably dry.

I am glad that Lloyd George is to succeed Kitchener, for whatever he was before the War he has turned out trumps now & generally makes a success of anything he undertakes doesn’t he?

The War doesn’t seem like ending yet does it, but apparently the Russians have done very well the last few weeks.

I am enclosing you 4 photos and I have written on the backs of them what they are.

When next you are at Lavington no doubt you will see a little set of photos taken on the way out here from England, they are quite a decent lot.

What a busy time you are having with music pupils – Its time you (Aunt Sal) began taking a few of them, guess you & I together would knock some music into (or perhaps out of) them don’t you?

I am glad Wilf is getting on alright but I haven’t much respect for men who didn’t join the Service until forced to.

So very many thanks & best love to you both.

Hoping you are now in the best of health “as it leaves me at present”

Ever your loving

xx   Jack   xx

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