
My dear Tommy
Last week’s Mail is awfully late & hasn’t got here yet, so I expect we shall have two Mails together, or only a day apart. Not having heard from you there isn’t much to write about but I expect you will like to have a few lines.
The quality of the writing paper is getting awful – like blotting paper, so kindly excuse this writing.
I very much hope that all three of you are in the best of health. Please give my love to Baby, I shall be so pleased when I can see him for the first time.
The Drafts of A, B & C Companies are now mixed with the original Batt. but “D” has another case of small-pox so will be isolated for a few more weeks.
It seems from the latest news, that the War is going on a good deal better, I do hope that this year may see the end of it don’t you?
There are heaps of panthers & cheetas all round Chaubattia so I expect our officers will be having some good sport later on.
The Aunts seemed awfully pleased with “Jackie Wee” didn’t they, their letters have been full of his praise.
Best love & kisses to you all & hoping that even yet we may have a chance of meeting during 1916.
Ever your loving
xxx Jack

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