May 17th 1916


My dear Mum & Dad,

I am sorry to say that your last letter has gone astray somewhere or other though I may possibly receive two by next Mail. I think that the Lavington letters must have got delayed in England as I didn’t receive my papers either.

I trust that you are both in the very best of health & that the two cats are also as well as they are good.

From today’s telegram I see that General Compulsion is now in force from next week – at least 22 months behind-hand isn’t it. That Irish job was rather serious wasn’t it, I see that a large number of the rebels are still awaiting trial & I hope the whole darned lot will be shot.

There is some idea of our going to Aden about August to relieve the 1/4th Cornwalls who will then have done their 6 months there. No troops stay there more than 6 months because it is so fearfully hot, Summer & Winter being just about the same there. I don’t know if there is any truth in it, but I suppose we shall move out of India in the Autumn as we and the 1/5th Somersets are the next on the list.

May 18th

We are changing Bungalows again tomorrow, as we are taking the Draft into their respective Companies, but I am leaving the Company & going with 9 others (Orderly Room & Q. M. Stores Staff) to a Bungalow up near the Church.

We have another Draft coming to us, leaving England this week but only 56 in number which brings us up to War Strength. The whole convoy of drafts for India leaving England this week number 4327 mostly recruits, but our 56 are all “trained men.”

I hope you & the cats are all quite well & now having some decent Spring Weather.

The year is getting on without our making much show against Germany isnt it, I am afraid that it will yet be a rather long job. I see in the English papers that betting is 7 to 3 against the War ending during 1916 but 5 to 1 on its ending before June 30th 1917.

I wonder how the Compulsory Service Bill is affecting the time-ex men we sent Home.  I rather expect they will be called to the Colours, bit of a “suck” isn’t it.

Only about 10 more weeks to make the 2 years since we went to Plymouth – I didn’t think when I left Weymouth that it would last one year let alone two & probably three did you.

I hope Bill Apps likes his life in the R.G.A. – if I were in that corps I should think twice before I tried for a transfer into the Rifles.  Perhaps his idea is that the Artist Rifles comprise better class men, but I’m afraid that going from R.G.A. into any Infantry is “out of the frying-pan into the fire” for the Garrison isn’t like “Horse” or “Field” where you have to answer Stables twice a day.

I don’t expect Charlie will be called up for some time (if at all) will he. I don’t know how it was that Henry Pinniger didn’t pass the Doctor some time ago when Derby’s Scheme was introduced but I expect a lot of those will now be re-examined though I much hope he wont be called up.

The Mail is late again & I expect we shall have our letters on Friday evening.

Fondest love & kisses to you both.

Ever your loving


xxx xxx

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