10th May 1916

U. P.
My dear Mum & Dad,
Thanks so much for your letters, 10/- note, & photos, which reached me safely yesterday. The Mail was very late & another one follows it tomorrow night or Friday morning.
We have had torrents of rain today & yesterday with incessant thunder & lightning, which is a very good thing as we were badly in want of water, & the Forest has been on fire for 10 days. We had to turn out last Thursday & stop the fire from getting up to the Barracks, there are tons of fir combs & spines on the ground & the wood very resinous so it takes a bit of stopping.
I was awfully pleased with the photos but the O.C.’s nose isnt quite correct. “Jackie Wee” had better make the most of his opportunities of sitting on your knee whilst I am away, for that’s my place when I get back.
By the same Mail I also received Floss’ photos & she told me she was sending you one. I hope she sent you a full-face one for that is, I think, just topping of her: I think she looks very well & pretty don’t you?
We have had a telegram stating that the German Govt have approached President Wilson regarding the terms of a general Peace. I don’t know if anything is likely to come of it & hope we will give them a good “hiding” first, but it looks as though there is some chance of my spending next Xmas with you, which I hope will be the case as I am much looking forward to the time when next I see Spring Villa & sit on the hearthrug with Rajah & Herbert. Burbridge, of our Company, has a little dog very much Pott’s style but he falls backwards when he tries to “sit-up”. The Colonel has lost one of his dogs and is offering Rupees 30 for his return but I expect a panther has had him for supper by now.
There are a lot of wild animals all round here & when Dick comes up for an evening he always goes back with the Orderly Corporal at Tatoo. It is a lonely walfk through the Forest to Fitzwygram Barracks & he has had one or two frights. I don’t think there are many men in the Band & Drums who would care to go to the Latrine during the night without another man and a lantern, though it’s a nuisance for anyone who is sound asleep – I had some of that at Kailana.
I don’t know when the Draft are to mix with us but it wont be long now if they have no more cases break out.
Doesn’t the baby look well in the photo of him with Tommy, I should think it is a job to catch them smiling like that just when required.
I hope that Bert Lush is now better, Sid didn’t have a letter this week.
As you say, we were jolly glad to get away from Delhi for except in December & January it is a rotten crib. I should like you to visit it just about Christmas time for the climate then for a few weeks is quite decent & very little Malarial Fever about.
I suppose you will soon be seeing Joe Raine – I guess he will tell some fine fairy tales to those who care to listen to him.
I am enclosing you a few more photos. I haven’t troubled about getting any photographic gear as I can always get photos of anything interesting from Charlie Peapell at 1¼d. each. I also enclose photo of our Light-weight Tug-of-War team.
Very best love to both of you & also to the cats.
Ever your loving
Rajah xxx
Herbert xxx

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